
案浦チームは先週、ヒューストンを襲った寒波で非常に忙しい 1 週間を過ごしました。私たちが管理するすべての家について、住人が対策を行っていることを確認する必要があります。しかし、多くの人たちは祝日に向けてヒューストンを離れていたため、弊社は空家を1軒ずつ回り、防寒対策のお手伝いをしました。家主と住人の皆に対策について数回連絡をしましたが、数件パイプの破損などの被害がありました。物件管理は大変です! 案浦不動産の別のニュースとしては、バレンシアに新入居者が先週末に入居完了、ヒューストン バレエからのクライエントのお家を無事に賃貸完了、昨日早速新しいテナントが入居しました。週末にはベイグレンで賃貸物件の掲載(マリコ – ここにオークチェイスのリースリストへのリンクを追加してください)、攻とスーザンはクリスマスの直前に1軒を契約を結びました(www.har.com/38292467)。新年を待ちわび、今月から家探しを始める方も多いのではないでしょうか。また、今週は数人の新しい日本人駐在員が到着し、1 月は忙しい月となるでしょう。不動産関連でお手伝いが必要な方、そしてお手伝いが必要な方をご存知の方は、是非弊社までご連絡ください!賃貸、購入、売却、アパート、不動産関連全般お手伝いさせていただきます!
Team Annoura had an incredibly busy week last week with the arctic freeze that came through Houston. For all the homes we manage we had to make sure our tenants were diligently winterizing their homes- wrapping pipes, turning on their heaters, and dripping their faucets. But, because a lot of our clients were out of town for Christmas, WE had to go into their homes and help them winterize their homes. Even with precautions done, several homes suffered broken pipes and various damage so now we are busy working with water extraction companies, plumbers, and insurance companies to help our landlords get their houses back in shape. Property management is a lot of work! In other Annoura Realty news, our Valencia tenant moved in last weekend and our Houston Ballet client leased his house out successfully with his new tenant moving in yesterday. We brought a new house to market for lease in Bay Glen over the weekend (www.har.com/4547826) and Koh and Susan got a house under contract for Koh’s clients just before Christmas (www.har.com/38292467). A lot of people have been waiting for the new year to start and will begin their house hunting this month. We also have several new Japanese expats arriving this week and a Japanese tech company Susan met on her Tokyo Trade Mission trip coming to visit Houston next week, so we expect January to be a busy month. As always, if you or anyone you know needs anything real estate related, please reach out! Whether it’s leasing, buying or selling, if they are moving to Houston or moving within Houston, we are ready to help!