
3月も既に終わりを迎えようとしています。 蛭子 稔は 3軒目となるの三井の賃貸契約を完了させ、とても活発的な月となりました。 スーザンと稔は、カリフォルニアの日系アメリカ人投資家が所有する家であるキッパーズの成約を控えています。 一方、ダイキンから多く新駐在員の方々が続々と引越し準備を整えています。稔が 1軒契約担当、真理子も更に 1軒、スーザンが残り担当する予定です。他には、三菱商事の藤井氏が今月引っ越しを完了、更に新しく同僚の方が、5 月に赴任予定です。 また本日、MD アンダーソンの新しい研究者が医学センターのアパートに入居し (竹原博士を歓迎します)、真理子は第一実業からの駐在員さんの賃貸契約に完了いたしました。 販売面では、スーザンはダラスとシンガポールの売り手のために 12222 Broken Arroeの成約、W 15th St も制約に近づいています。パナソニックから以前お手伝いしたお客さんが新築物件の購入を決めたことにも興奮しているばかりです!77024で更にもう一軒、トップ日本人歯科医の購入手続き途中となっております。 次のニュースレターに乞うご期待!
We are coming to the end of March fast and furiously! It was an incredibly productive month with Mik Ebisu wrapping up his 3rd Mitsui lease. Mik and Susan also are about to close on Kippers, a home owned by a Japanese American investor in California. Fingers crossed for a smooth March 30 closing! Meanwhile, Daikin is bringing in many new expats. Mik is handling one, Mariko is handling one, and Susan is handling the rest. Besides Mr. Fujii of Mitsubishi Corporation moving in this month, we have a possible new colleague of Mr. Fujii inquiring for a May move in. Additionally, we helped the new incoming CEO of Nippon Chemical snatch up a brand new waterfront townhome for lease with a private two car garage. Today we had a new MD Anderson researcher move in to an apartment in the Med center (welcome Dr. Takehara) and Mariko successfully signed a lease with a newcomer from Daichi Jitsugyo, a company we are helping for the first time! On the sale front, Susan closed 12222 Broken Arrow for sellers in Dallas and Singapore and survived an appraisal coming on shy for her listing on W 15th St. Excited about a sales contract with David Weekley on a new build with a former lease client from Panasonic. We are targeting an end of April close for his family. And fingers crossed as Susan negotiated a beautiful home in 77024 for one of Houston’s top Japanese dentists. We should know more by the next newsletter!