
大学でも準備を始めています。他州の大学に子供を連れて帰ってくる友人もいますし、案浦家も今週末丈をUTに連れて帰る予定です。子どもたちは大きな夢を持ち、大学の学位にどんどん近づいています。これは、彼らの寮の部屋 (丈の場合は、初めてのキャンパス外のアパート!) を飾るチャンスです。
2023 ~ 2024 学年度、子供たちみんながいい生活となることを祈ります。
It’s that time of year again! Fall is approaching (although it doesn’t feel like it with this heat wave) and local schools are returning to classes. Public schools in the Houston area begin on a staggered schedule with some opening this week and others next week. Area shoppers flood local retailers to take advantage of the annual tax free weekend to stock up on school supplies, clothing and backpacks to start the new year off right! Back to school is a time for renewed enthusiasm. New classes, new teachers, and new dreams come with every new school year. New seasons for Fall sports like football, volleyball and cross country are starting. Athletes will get the chance to show off their skills once again.
Even colleges are getting ready to head back. We have friends bringing their kids back to college in other states and even the Annouras will bring Joe back to UT this weekend. There’s a buzz among those headed back to university as well. Kids have big dreams and move closer and closer to that college degree. This is their chance to decorate their dorm room (or in Joe’s case, his first off campus apartment!).
Back to school also signals another summer coming to an end. Full of memories of vacations, activities, and accomplishments, each summer is special in its own way. All in all it doesn’t matter which level they’re going back to, the vibe is always hopeful and exciting!
Best of luck with the 2023-2024 school year!