
2023 年の夏は、ヒューストンで記録上最も暑い夏となりました。 8月22日に記録された97度の最高気温は、バイユー市で23日連続100度を超える最高気温記録に終止符を打つこととなりましら。 しかし、これも長くは続かず、再び 3 桁に戻る結果となりました。



間もなく秋が到来し、 3 桁の暑さから解放される日も遠くはありません! それまでは水筒を持ち歩き、十分に水分補給をしてくださいね!

The summer of 2023 has proven to be one of the hottest on record in the Houston area. In fact, the 97 degree high temperature recorded on August 22nd ended a streak of 23 consecutive days with highs over 100 degrees in the Bayou City. The break was short lived however, and we’ve returned to triple digits once again, with little relief in sight.

While it’s normal for Houston to be hot in the summer, this year has been a bit extra, poising to be the 2nd hottest ever, behind only 2011 which had 46 days over 100 degrees.

The residents seem to be taking it all in stride though, doing their outside work in the early morning or evening and spending time enjoying the air conditioned indoors.

The one sure thing though is that Fall will soon be here and there will ultimately be a break from the triple digit heat. Until then, please carry a water bottle and stay hydrated!