
In the latest Annoura Family news, our oldest son turned TWENTY-ONE on Feb 5! Parents with 21+ year old children, you will agree when I say you never think your little kid will EVER grow up and become an actual adult. What a feeling to have our little Joe now be of drinking age! Coincidentally, Susan had her Texas Realtors Winter Meetings in Austin so Susan was able to go see Joe to give him a big hug and wish him Happy Birthday (and deliver a special envelope from his grandparents!). In other news, Zach decided to try out for the golf team on Feb 13. We will know the results by the next newsletter so stay tuned! Koh meanwhile, is still in Fukuoka. He has been insanely busy taking possession of the house, buying houseware and furniture, and moving his parents out of their rental home and into the new Annoura Family home! The address will remain the same as their original Narayamachi home, so we are excited about that! Susan plans on going to Japan towards the end of March to finish furnishing the 2nd and 3rd floors. Can’t wait to see how the house turned out, in person!