
丈と泰が小さかった頃、毎年夏には攻の両親に会うために日本へ帰国していました。8歳と10歳になった頃には子供たちだけで日本に行くことも多々ありました!子供たちは昼間は博多小学校へ、学校の後は100円玉をポケットいっぱいに積み込みローソンやセブンイレブンまでアロエヨーグルトやおにぎりを買いに行きます。自分達でビデオを撮ったりしてYouTubeにAnnobroという名前でチャンネルも開設しました。(私のお気に入りの一つはこれです: https://youtu.be/X__6BCeQfKc )コロナが発症する前まではザックも日本へ毎年帰っていましたが、ここ2年間帰ることが出来ていません。まだ日本ではコロナの影響が激しく、人々はマスク着用をし小学校は海外からの生徒を受け付けることが出来ません。更に航空券が$3000近くとなっており、数週間帰るだけでとても高値となっています。Facebookの思い出から2016年に攻とザックが日本へ帰った時の写真が出てきました!懐かしい!

When Joe and Ty were little, we used to fly them back to Japan every summer to spend  time with Koh’s parents. By the time, they were 10 and 8, they were flying back and forth by themselves without us! They would attend Hakata Elementary school in the daytime then after school, walk the streets of Fukuoka with their pockets full of 100 yen coins and stop at Lawson’s or 7Eleven to buy aloe yogurt or onigiri rice balls. They even shot their own video footage and made their own YouTube channel, calling it AnnoBros. (This is one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/X__6BCeQfKc).  Until COVID, we had Zach going to Japan to also follow in this tradition, but sadly, he has not gotten to go the past two summers and now this summer again, he could not go. We heard that people in Japan are still very nervous about COVID, everyone is still wearing masks, and the elementary school was not able to welcome foreign students. On top of this, airline tickets were nearly $3000 per ticket, making it unafforadable to fly everyone over there for a couple of weeks. Facebook memories brought up this pic of Zach and Koh from 2016 June 30. Wow, how time flies!