ロデオ インターナショナル・デイズ!

The Houston Rodeo is in full swing right now. It kicked off Feb 28 and visitors from all over Houston, Texas, the United States, and the WORLD come to enjoy it. The rodeo has a special program for its international guests and the program runs for the first 8 days of rodeo. For the first time, Susan was a division vice chairman for the Houston Rodeo’s International Committee. Together with her committee, they welcomed nearly 3000 guests from 109 countries over 8 days. There was a lecture series called the International Livestock Congress, a cattle judging contest at the Ag Summit, a beautiful evening gala, a ladies fashion show and luncheon at River Oaks Country Club, and many activities in at the international headquarters above Reliant Center: a mariachi band, wine tasting sessions, line dancing, snow cones, ice cream sundaes, a HUGE Charcuterie table, rodeo ticket drawings, taco bars, etc. Many of the international guests who participate in the program come every year to do business, to buy cattle or semen or embryos, or to meet vendors and clients, or to learn and network with other ranchers from around the world. It is a beautiful program and a lot of work and effort for the committeemen and management team to host so many guests, but it is so much fun and meaningful. I look forward to it every year and I think this was the best year yet! A big thank you also to all the local restaurants who donated and contributed food to feed everyone! A big thank you to all the committeemen for all the hospitality and time put forth. And finally, a big thank you to all the visitors who traveled to Houston to participate in the Rodeo’s International Days!